Monday, December 23, 2013

Copper in Michigan

Copper mining in Michigan has been there for many years though it became more pronounced from the 1860s. Michigan became more aware of what she had and this went ahead to make copper mining one of her major industries. Copper has been the most valuable mineral in Michigan. The civil war however had adverse negative effects on copper mining and the revenue went down. Other than the emergence of the civil war, the old mines had been exhausted leaving little or no copper at all. A protective tariff was introduced in 1869 by the congress for the domestic producers in an effort to help them through this crisis (Dunbar 356-358).

To ensure that the domestic prices were maintained, mining companies came together in 1870. They embarked on conducting the exportations as a pool, an idea they thought would revive the world market. This worked positively for them and more copper was indeed produced. To facilitate the movement of this worthy mineral, land amounting to 450,000 acres was given by the federal government. The construction of the Soo Canal construction was initiated in the 1850s. A rail network came into place in 1884. Michigan remained a key copper producer till 1884 when she almost lost her grip to Arizona and Montana who had also taken up copper mining (Dunbar 356-358).

Where are these resources located in Michigan
Copper country is one of Michigans exclusive locations for the copper mines. It is found in the Upper Peninsula in the western side of Michigan. The unique quality of the copper mined here is that it is found in the native copper form. This is quite unusual since other mining areas have it in copper oxide form. Other mines were located at the Keweenaw Peninsula. This was near the eagle and copper harbor. The Ontonagon area was also another area that mined copper. Another location that outdid all these to become a major mining area was that around Portage Lake. This area gave birth to the two famous mining companies, Hecla and Calumet. This copper deposit was the discovery of Edwin Hulbert and he did so in 1859 (Dunbar 358).

What is the geology of the deposits
The Keweenaw is one of the worlds largest native copper deposits. This has led to Michigan being referred to as the copper country. The Mid-Continent Rift (MCR) is home to the Keweenaw Peninsula on its southern side. The MRC is a long extension and is about 2000 kilometers. It starts at Kansas and goes all the way down to Detroit. The MCR started its formation 1,100 million years back. This was a result of a mantle plume that rose and touched the Precambrian superior province. The plume spread was lateral and was more concentrated on the base. This caused the crust to weaken and it ended up falling apart. The resulting feature was a rift. The rising of the plume led to its melting and magmas such as basaltic and rhyolite were produced. As the crust was thinning out, it was inevitable not to form faults. (Brandes, par. 1-14).
This magma therefore found a passage onto the surface. This lava was flowing individually and up to 200 flows have been recorded. Among them is one of the worlds largest lava flows known as the Greenstone Flow. It is about 3 million years old since it erupted. This flow makes part of the Portage Lake Volcanics (PLV). This PLV can be viewed from the Isle Royale and the Keweenaw Peninsula. It is 10 kilometers thick. It can be traced to Lake Superiors center. This rift that resulted was later to be filled up with sediments emanating from volcanism that occurred later. These sediments contained some conglomerates which were red in color. They came to be known as the copper harbor conglomerates. (Brandes, par. 1-14).

Other components included the Freda sandstones which were also red in color as well as the nonesuch shale which were gray black in color. This basin was later to be covered by sandstone referred to as the Jacobs Ville which was also red but more mature as compared to the previous ones. Copper was mined from these deposits and the hecla and calumet conglomerate became the worlds largest sources of copper. Native copper in Michigan is a product of vesicle fillings, dissemination and masses. Copper has also been got from fissure veins otherwise known as copper bearings. (Brandes, par. 1-14).

What Is The History Of The Resource
Copper was first mined in Michigan around the 5,000 and 1,200 B.C. the miners were ancient and they later vanished. They used crude stones to dig up the copper from its mines. When these tools proved futile, the miners resulted to using cold water and fire. By doing so, the copper broke into pieces and it became easier now for them to work these bits. It is interesting to note that they used this copper to make tools. These people may not have had the required technology but they managed to mine copper amounting to 1.5 billion pounds. It is also important to note that the existence of these people has not been documented since they did not leave much of a trace. There was no evidence of cave drawings, pottery, burial grounds or clay tablets which would have shed some light onto what kind of inhabitants they were (Exploring the North, par. 1-13).

However, some remnants like copper knives, axes and spear heads have been recovered at some of these sites. Some of these were collected and taken to fort Wilkins for preservation. Michigan, being the copper country literally gave in to the copper rush which took place in 1843. She received several people who came to cash in on this rare mineral that was fetching so valuable. Copper harbor town was the center of the copper rush though she had no roads. The sea became the major mode of transport as boats were the only means of travel. However, dog sleds came to use during winter. Other areas that attracted copper hunters included the Eagle harbor, Copper harbor and Ontagon. (Exploring the North, par. 1-13).

The copper mining business was expensive and therefore favored companies more than individuals. This led to the decline of the copper hunters to only three companies by 1846. These were the Lake Superior, Pittsburgh and Boston mining companies. Later on, hoisting machines were invented and this made the work easier. With increased production, Keweenaw became a major center as it attracted immigrations from people who wished to work here. The other factor that led to this increased growth was that the road network had improved and the shipping costs went down. Michigan mines were deeply exploited and ones exhausted, desertion by both employees and the companies they worked for were imminent. The aftermath of the copper mining business is ghost towns, ruins and copper. (Exploring the North, par. 1-13).

What Is Its Economic Value To Michigan
Copper has been economically beneficial to the people of Michigan over the ages. Copper has been made into tubes which are most ideal for the distribution of gases and water. The reason why it makes an excellent tool for plumbing services is because its very durable and comes with a warranty of up to 50 years. The manufacturer comfortably gives this warranty as copper has a long history of being defect free for many years. This puts it in a class of its own as the only plumbing material that comes with such a high warranty. Users are however warned to install it correctly. Its sales have therefore given Michigan a lot of revenue through local and international use all over the world. (Copper Development Association, par. 1-10).
Copper is widely used in homes, offices and industries and this translates into revenue to the government of the state of Michigan. It has been in use for over 70 years and so far no major complaints have been registered. This is attributed to its reliability which it has won over the years. On the other hand, using copper is environmental friendly as it is a natural material. This ensures that unlike other synthetic materials, it does not crumble or crack. Copper offers resistance to corrosion and this make sit ideal for use. Its rigidity and light nature ensures that it does not sag like other materials. (Copper Development Association, par. 1-10).

Copper is very dependable and in many cases does not necessitate maintenance. It therefore in many cases outlasts the buildings its fitted in. the other thing that makes copper the most widely material all over the world is its value and economy friendly aspects. Copper will cost a little higher than the other materials in the market. The beauty of it all is that it is most reliable and this takes it notches higher. The general handling of copper is time saving as installation time is less. It also gives its users an easy time when joining, handling or forming it. It has been proved that coppers maintenance is low and the repairs are few. This makes it remain high in demand. In the long run, the expenses and hassles while using copper are few. (Copper Development Association, par. 1-10).

Copper has been voted as the safest material to use due to its environmentally friendly values. It has high thermo conductivity and this make sit safe to use electrical heating when joining pieces. Other materials will have to use adhesives which are solvent based. These adhesives end up polluting the air which eventually leads to global warming. Copper does not support combustion and so the risk of emitting undesirable gases into the air is limited. It is also widely used as it will never aid the spread of fires through ceilings, walls or floors. Copper does not support the growth of bacteria as it is biostatic. It also does not allow for the penetration of contaminants. Copper has the ability to persevere extreme conditions. It can withstand high pressure as well as low pressure. This also contributes highly in making it an easy to maintain and repair material. (Copper Development Association, par. 1-10).

Copper is a natural resource that has greatly developed and shaped Michigan. It has diversified this state in many ways that include opening it to the other countries of the world. With thorough research, more copper deposits would be unearthed and this would translate to more revenue, more employment opportunities and more grounds for historical researches. Copper is widely used all over the world for the transportation of gases, water and electricity among others. Its being environmentally friendly makes it the most ideal material to use for plumbing during this era of global warming. Its benefits are clearly many and this makes it even more popular in the market today.

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