Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cost and Benefits of Solar Energy

The world is witnessing unpredictable climate changes due to global warming. Over the past century the world forest cover has declined by over half as mines for fossil fuels are risking exhaustion. All these are despite the fact that solar energy can be used for supplying almost all energy needs of the community. Over the past few decades, the solar energy field had not received much research and engineering concerns. However, in the current society, there are varieties of solar equipment which can aid in converting solar radiations into other forms of power for man. The common uses include cooking, lighting, heating, and water treatment. The engineering field of solar vehicles is currently receiving extensive attention after it had previously shown remarkable development. This has the implication that solar energy is increasingly becoming the best solution to the problems of environmental pollution and depletion of resources. Therefore, there is need to create awareness to the general public on the importance of adopting solar energy for use in the community. The manufacturers and the government should engage in talks to consider lowering the cost of the solar equipment to enable more people to start enjoying the long term benefits of solar energy.

Cost and Benefits of Solar Energy
Solar energy is one of the oldest natural power sources in the world. This form of energy can be used directing for heating or lighting purposes. However, with increased technological advancements in the modern human community, solar energy can be tapped and converted into electrical energy, thus making it useful for running other home appliances (Swanson, 2008). There are many benefits associated with solar energy. Being a natural form of energy, solar energy is useful both to the community and the environment. This is because it can help in reducing the effects of global warming as well as saving our natural resources. This is very important for the sustainable future existence of the community.
Still, solar energy is praised to have the advantage of reducing the operating costs of energy utilities (Ghassemi 9). Just to be appreciated here is the fact that solar energy greatly reduces the maintenance costs. This is because once installed, solar power system call for limited maintenance. However, solar energy has a number of associated costs (Swanson, 2008). Since this form of energy is dependent on radiation from the sun, its reliability is varied. This is due to the fact that there are constant variations in the amount of sun radiations reaching the earth surface from time to time.
Another commonly cited cost of solar energy is that with the modern developments, the amount of energy that can be harnessed from the solar energy is limited only to low power consuming appliances (Gordon 36). However, despite these costs, the benefits of solar energy can never be underestimated. This paper is written as a discussion on solar energy. The author will in particular give a discussion on the costs and benefits of solar energy.

Definition and Common Applications of Solar Energy
Solar energy can be defined as a natural form of energy founded from the light and heat radiation from the sun (Kalogirou 19). In a more general way, solar energy is responsible for almost all forms of renewable sources of energy in the community. This is because through the influence of radiation from the sun - wind, waves and biomass are developed. According to available scientific evidence, the amount of energy radiated from the sun is capable of sustaining the energy requirements of the world population.
This is nevertheless limited by the ability of mankind to design and implement highly efficient solar energy harnessing mechanisms (Kalogirou 23). It is also to be appreciated that the amount of solar radiation felt on the earth surface various from region to region. The regions near the equator for instance are marked with high levels of solar energy. It is due to this reason that the tropical climate regions should invest much of their resources in utilizing the benefits of solar powered energy sources.

Over the years man has used solar energy for heating and lighting purposes. However, following the effects of modern technological developments, solar energy can be converted into electricity for use in running other appliances (DeGunther 18). The most commonly used appliances are house lighting bulbs, entertainments sets and cooking appliances among others. Security systems can also be powered by solar energy. This development employs the use of photovoltaic cell for collecting the solar energy.

In the agricultural sector, solar energy is increasingly becoming useful in determining both the growth rate and quality of horticultural crops through greenhouse farming practices (Parrot, 2007). The past few decades have witnessed an increase in the use of solar thermal energy in the community. According to research findings, most of the domestic water heating systems in the United States are powered by solar energy. Still, the reports indicate that an estimated 50 percent of residential home heating, cooling, and ventilating systems are powered by solar energy.

Other applications for solar energy could include water treatment and cooking. With the use of solar bowls, it is possible to generate steams for cooking (Kalogirou 24). It is worth noting here that solar energy is currently employed in heating process. These processes are realized by using parabolic dishes, solar trough reflectors and are commonly used in cloth manufacturing factories. Based on all these, solar energy can be effectively employed to serve in providing for most of the energy needs in the community.   

Benefits of Solar Energy
    There are various benefits which can be realized from the use of solar energy in the society (Parrot, 2007). First, solar energy is a renewable source of energy. The sustainable future of any economy is highly dependent on the long term availability of its natural resources. Most of the modern supply of energy in the human society is from biomass and fossil fuels. Although biomass is regarded to as a renewable source of energy, the ever increasing dependence on such sources of energy has evidently compromised the amount of forest cover in the world (Ghassemi 12). This threatens the sustainable preservation of our ecosystem.
On the other side, fossil fuels are non-renewable natural resources. Nevertheless, sun radiations are natural and renewable through the natural solar system cycles. This has the implication that solar energy can serve the energy needs of a community over the long run. According to available information on solar energy, it is claimed that the amount of energy from sun radiation can reliably serve the energy needs of the global community. Therefore, solar energy is a real solution to the problem of exhaustion of our natural resources (Parrot, 2007).
Another benefit of using solar energy is that they are friendly to both the community and the environment (Kalogirou 23). The global community is eminently facing the problem of global warming. Indeed, this problem has been blamed for the frequent changes in climatic which have the direct result of increased natural disasters in the community (Gordon 56). Such have also compromised the reliability of agricultural practices in the community, a factor that leads to the problem of food insecurity. According to reliable scientific evidence, the problem of global warming is mainly caused by mankind activities.
Cutting down of trees and increased production of greenhouse gases in the production industries. Nevertheless, the sun is evidently termed as one of the natural sources of green energy. Just to be assessed the fact that the leading producer of greenhouse gases is the fossil fuel that used in the production of the electricity. Also to be noted, the cutting down of trees in the community is driven by human need for energy. Therefore, engaging the community in using solar energy could sufficiently resolve environmental problems that community faces.
Solar generated energy is of low cost compared to other common forms of energy (Gordon 67). Solar energy is freely gotten from the sun. This means that the only cost to be incurred by the investor of that of purchasing and installing the sun radiation absorbing and converting equipment. However, other forms of energy are supplied at a cost for the long term profitability of the supplying company or individual. Still, it is worth to be noted here that such expenses are constantly varying with time depending on the prevailing demand and supply conditions (Kalogirou 23). Based on this argument therefore solar generated energy will always remain the best option for the long term economic gain of members in the community.
 Solar power systems dictate for little or no maintenance costs after installation (Ghassemi 14). Another economical benefit of solar generated energy is that is does not require constant maintenance as compared to other forms of energy generating equipment. According to available statistical evidence on the durability of solar energy equipment, it is evident that a single installation can last for over ten years without any need for repair or replacement (Swanson, 2008). This advantage has been closely attributed to the fact that a factory that makes them, its production have minimal or no tear and wear problems. This has the ultimate advantage of making their operational costs lower compared to other forms of energies in the society.
Still, solar power is marked with tax breaks provided for as incentives by the American government. The problem of global warming has been given some substantial attention by the government of the United States of America. This can be reflected on its green energy policy. Such have prompted the government to provide subsidies on solar energy generating equipment sold to the citizens (DeGunther 31). Due to this reason, the American citizens should engage in installing solar energy generators not only to benefit from the government incentives but also to enjoy the long term benefits of solar energy.
There is also the benefit of choice based on variety of equipments and applications. Solar energy can be used for executing as many activities as other forms of energy like electricity do. Nevertheless, solar equipment is available in variety. Such include cooking equipment, heating, and lighting installation among other or even a combination of all (Parrot, 2007). Still to be appreciated is the fact that these solar equipment are of different ratings and prices. However, for energy forms like electricity, the supply is mostly constant, a factor which can lead to misuse. Therefore, solar energy gives the individual the benefit of flexibility depending on the desired purpose and the cost.
Solar energy has the ultimate potential of supplying residential and manufacturing industries with electricity. According to available information, a 14MW solar power station was completed in 2007 in the Nevada state of America (DeGunther 51). Although this power station and other around the world are not reliable in supply due to solar fluctuations, research works are underway which seek to develop a renewable sources combined power plant to produce constant power throughout the day. This has the direct implication that with increased research activities on renewable energy solar energy will be modified to suit into the day-to-day power needs of the community.
 Since mid 1970s, there have been many attempts by engineers and scientists to develop solar power vehicles. In the modern time, the world can boast of succeeding in the designing of a solar powered car which can run up to a maximum speed of almost 100kmh (Ghassemi 15). In addition to this achievement, this solar vehicle field remains open to accelerated developments. This is closely attributed to the various solar car challenges, which are being initiated. Such include the World Solar Challenge, the North American Solar Challenge, and the planned South African Solar Challenge. There are boats powered by solar energy which are operating across the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Developments have been witnessed in the designing of a solar powered aircraft.

In 2007, the BAE Systems designed a solar aircraft that could fly above 29,524 meters with 54 hours as its total flight capability (Gordon 41). More engineering research is still going on in a move to design solar vehicles with high efficiencies. Based on all these examples, it is quite clear that solar energy is eventually being modeled to match the needs of mankind. With vehicles capable of being powered by solar power, the world will no doubt preserve its natural resources for the sustainable future of the ecosystem.

Cost of solar energy    
Despite the many advantages associated with solar energy in the community, there are a number of costs which compromise the appreciation of the energy in the society (Swanson, 2008). First, solar energy is unpredictable. The efficiency and reliability of solar energy is solely dependent on the availability of solar radiations. It is common sense that such a form of energy cannot be generated during the night. Although this problem is resolved by using energy storage equipment like batteries, the capacity of such might be way below the requirements of the residents (Swanson, 2008). Still, cooking or process heating equipments can only be operated during the day.
 Also on the problem of unpredictability of solar energy, the amount of solar radiation received on the earth surface varies from time to time (Kalogirou 26). This claim is based on the fact that such radiation can be significantly blocked by clouds or their heating effect compromised by other factors like cold weather seasons. This has the simple implication that the amount of solar energy that the equipment can supply remains unreliable. Therefore, such a form of energy can be a negation to the high profile lifestyles upheld by some members of the community. Such conditions could dictate for additional energy supply requirements, a factor which contradicts the essence of the solar energy.
Available scientific information clearly indicates that the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth surface increases as one move to the equator. This means that the people living along or near the equatorial line have higher advantage of enjoying the sustainable benefits of solar energy. This is a cost of solar energy as those living far away from the line of equator have no chances of enjoying such benefits.
Another commonly cited cost of solar energy is that the equipments seem to be quite expensive for the common man to afford. According to the current market price, the cheapest solar panel is costing an estimated 2,000 with more reliable ones costing an approximated over 12,000. It is worth noting here that most poor people in the United States can rarely afford to sacrifice such a huge amount of money (DeGunther 56). Therefore, the high costs of such solar equipments are posing a limiting factor on the widespread use of solar energy in the community.
Opponents of solar energy have claimed that most of the modern technological developments in this field are limited for appliances which require low power (Ghassemi 9). It is sufficiently evident that solar energy can be used for powering the operation of heavy factory machines as used in the process heating configurations. Nevertheless, such setups are not only expensive but require a big space, something that lacks in many families. Just to be underscored, the fact that even the most efficient and size effective solar equipment are is marked with high prices which compromises their market.   

    Solar energy is a free and renewable form of energy that does not have negative effects on the environment. Still asserted is the fact that this type of energy is estimated to have a potential far high above the requirements of the world population. It is only the efficiency of the solar equipment designed by man that can limit the enjoyable benefits of using solar energy in the community.
Many have claimed of the ineffectiveness of solar energy in supplying a constant energy. Solar energy can be stored in different forms using different storage methods. Such could include thermal mass, phase change storage materials, thermal energy storage, and the grid energy storage techniques. This clearly indicates that every application of solar energy has its suitable storage method. Therefore, engaging in the full installation of the solar energy setup and its storage could sufficiently resolve the concern by many people that solar energy cannot supply constant energy.
In a capitalistic society, nothing goes for free. Therefore, solar equipment designers have to make money from their sweat while those who sacrifice to buy enjoy the long term benefits of their sacrifice (Kalogirou 35). However, given the importance of solar energy particularly as a remedy to environmental destruction and global warming, the government should increase its subsidies for solar equipment. Such will bring the advantage of increased installation, thus reduced use of biomass and fossil fuel, thus preserving both the environment and its natural resources for the future.
On the problem of solar radiation varying from region to region, people should select the best type of solar equipment that suits their region of stay. According to available statistics, it is evidently clear that in most regions where radiations from the sun are not strong enough, solar energy is mainly employed for warming swimming pools (Gordon 17). This is because water heating systems generally require low solar energy than a rechargeable battery. In regions where solar radiation is not consistent, a backup supply could be installed for use when solar power is very low. Such could no doubt save the owner some energy costs compared to the cost of full scale external energy supply.
Given the much which has been developed in the solar energy technology, the use of solar power in the community should be encouraged. Necessity is the mother of invention. This means that unless members of the community are encouraged to use the technology, the inefficiencies will never be noted and thus will never be solved. Scientists on the other side should engage in resolving questions of high costs for quality solar equipment. Such could be easily achieved through engaging in mass production, thus reduced costs for the items. This is very vital in creating a sustainable market for the products.
It is established that solar energy has a potential for replacing non-renewable sources of energy which are commonly used in the modern community (Ghassemi 9). This could serve the crucial role of ensuring effective preservation of the environment. Another advantage of solar energy is that it is a viable solution to the problem of global warming that is threatening the sustainable social and economic development of the human community (Swanson, 2008). It is still evident that many pilot research works on the potential utilization of solar energy in almost all aspects of life have been going on with increasing signs of success. This has the implication that although solar energy is currently underutilized, ongoing technological advancement together with the need to resolve the problem of global warming will dictate for use of solar power in the community.

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