Monday, December 23, 2013

Physical and chemical pattern to the distribution of planets in our solar system

The solar system is comprised of the sun, planets, small bodies, solar wind and interplanetary dust. The sun is the major body in the solar system. Solar nebula defines the origin of the solar system.  All the bodies of the solar system orbit around the sun. Most of the mass of the solar system is taken up by the sun. Other bodies of the Solar system include asteroids, terrestrial planets, comets and outer planets. Solar nebula theory defines the origin of the solar system. This theory outlines the formation of a flattened disk from rotating cloud of dust and gas. This rotating cloud composed of gas and dust collapsed forming the solar nebula. The sun is thought to have been formed from bulk gas contained in solar nebula (Paul, 16). The other bodies of the solar system are thought to be formed from the remaining dust and gas.

    The sun is composed of gases. These include helium and hydrogen. There are also other elements which make up the sun. Those terrestrial planets which placed near to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. These terrestrial planets composed of iron ores and silicate rock. The smallest terrestrial planet is Mercury and the largest is the Earth. The outer planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Jupiter is the largest planet having a mass which is several times that of the Earth. Saturn and Jupiter forms the Jovian planets while Neptune and Uranus form the giant planets with ice. The major elements making up Saturn and Jupiter are Helium and Hydrogen gas. They are also composed of ices and rock. Some of the other elements forming Saturn and Jupiter are ammonia, frozen water and methane (Paul, 34). The cores of Neptune and Uranus are also composed of ice and rock. They have small amounts of helium and hydrogen gas. Pluto is thought to be composed of ice and rock. Asteroids are rocky bodies which occur between Jupiter and Mars. Terrestrial planets are normally larger than asteroids. Comets on the other hand are primarily composed of ice. The orbits of comets are inclined and elliptical.

    Physical properties of planets are used to group them the terrestrial planets which include Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus is small and dense. They consist of rocky crusts. Their atmospheres are covered with gaseous. This is exceptional for mercury. Jovian planets have low density and great volume. Amongst these planets are Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus. The Jovian planets atmospheres are composed of helium and hydrogen gas. Planets like the Earth have one moon while others such Jupiter has more than one moons (Henry, John, 21).

    The solar system is comprised of several chemical elements. Helium and hydrogen are the lightest elements that are found in the atmospheres of the solar system. The heavy elements found in the solar system include thorium, tantalum and uranium. These elements are rare in the solar system. Other chemical elements include silver, iron and oxygen. 

    The materials which are much pronounced in solar system are the mantle and the Earths crust rocks. The chemical elements have been affected by the processes in the earths crust. These processes include sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. The Bing Bang contributed to the formation of these chemical elements.

    In conclusion, the solar system is composed of physical and chemical patterns. Helium and hydrogen are the lightest elements which are found in the atmospheres of the solar system.

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